Everyone should know by now that I just can't go to Rite Aid only once in a week when there are good deals... I went back to Rite Aid today to pick up more toothbrushes and see if I could use my raincheck from paper plates.
Transaction #1
2- Arm & Hammer Spinbrush- $8.99 (spend $10 get $5 +Up Reward)
$2.00 off coupons from here or here or here
** $6.99 for 2 PLUS another +Up Reward! **
$17.98 before coupons and discounts
-$8.99 Wellness Plus savings and sales
-$2.00 coupon
-$1.00 off $1.00 Video Values coupon
-$5.00 +Up Reward redeemed
+$.42 tax
-$1.00 SCR check from last month
** $.41 OOP PLUS $5.00 +UP Reward earned!
Transaction #2
2- Thomas the Train Arm & Hammer Spinbrush (spend $10 get $5 +Up Reward)
$2.00 off coupon from here or here or here
** $5.49 for 2 PLUS $5.00 +Up Reward earned! **
4- Dixie Ultra Paper plates- $3.99 BOGO w/ raincheck
** My Wellness Plus discount made each package $3.19 and she just did the second one free so I got an even better deal! **
$2.00 off 2 Dixie Ultra coupon from April & May Video Values
** $1.19 for 2 packages!! **
2- Snickers Peanut Butter- $.79 (get $.88 +Up!)
** $.79 each OOP PLUS 2- $.88 +Up Rewards!
$32.92 before coupons and discounts
-$17.47 Wellness Plus savings and sales (and raincheck)
-$6.00 off coupons
-$1.00 off $1 Video Values coupon
-$3.00 off $15.00 survey coupon
-$5.00 +Up Reward redeemed
+ $.56 tax
** $1.01 OOP! ** PLUS $6.76 in +Up Rewards earned!!
So, I spent a total of $1.42 for everything in the picture and have another $6.76 left in +Up Rewards to spend next week!
I did have problems again with the kids' toothbrush- they ended up scanning the girl's toothbrush that was in the picture in the ad again (they had to do this the other day) since these didn't ring up BOGO like they should have. I ended up throwing in the Snickers candy because I wanted to use my $3 off $15 coupon and my subtotal wasn't high enough. Another great week at Rite Aid!